Statistics and open data

The Legal Register Centre’s statistics and open data include figures concerning certain topics such as fines or preventive measures. This data is collected from the Legal Register Centre’s statutory registers: fines, bankruptcies and restructurings, prohibition to pursue a business, ban on animal keeping, debt adjustments and administrative penalties.

The Legal Register Centre can disclose statutory register data if it has been quantified, if it does not include personal data and if it is not confidential. The data is given in Excel files and can be used for several purposes, such as research, social planning and use by the media. Anybody can have free access to this information and download the available files.

Other sources of judicial statistics

Statistics Finland's justice statistics

Statistics Finland's PX-Web database

Court work statistics

Statistics on enforcement by the National Enforcement Office

Bankruptcy Ombudsman's Office activity reports (statistics on bankruptcies and reorganisations, etc.)

‍Statistics of the Criminal Sanctions Agency

Published 24.5.2019