Collection of criminal injuries compensations

A victim of crime can apply for criminal injuries compensation from the State Treasury. The State will collect the compensation paid to the victim from the offender retrospectively. The collection is done by the Legal Register Centre (LRC).

When the State Treasury has decided on the compensation, the State will pay it to the victim. The right to the compensation is then transferred from the victim to the State for the amount that the State Treasury has compensated.

The LRC collects the compensation retrospectively from the offender (debtor) on behalf of the State.

Paying the criminal injuries compensation to the LRC

The LRC initiates the collection of the criminal injuries compensation by sending a notice with details for making the payment to the debtor by letter. Make the payment by the due date. Use the indicated reference number to ensure that the payment is allocated correctly.

If you fail to pay the criminal injuries compensation by the due date, the Legal Register Centre (LRC) will send you a reminder for payment.

If you have not paid the criminal injuries compensation by the due date of the reminder for payment either, the matter will be transferred to the Enforcement Authority. The matter will then be managed by the Enforcement Authorities, and you will no longer be able to apply for payment time from the LRC. So be prompt!

Can I get more time for payment?

You can apply for more time to pay the criminal injuries compensation once the LRC has sent you a notice of the criminal injuries compensation by letter or the matter is visible in the electronic service . Payment time will only be granted for a justified reason.

Read more about applying for and granting payment time.

Further information:

Criminal Injuries Act (1204/2005) (in Finnish)

Act on the Enforcement of Fines (672/2002) (in Finnish)

Government Decree on the Enforcement of Fines (789/2002) (in Finnish)

Published 4.6.2024