
Rikosrekisterilaki 770/1993


Information about the criminal records

The Legal Register Centre (LRC) serves as the controller of the criminal records. Information from the criminal records may only be disclosed for the purposes provided in the Criminal Records Act.

The criminal records mainly contain information on people or companies sentenced to imprisonment or corporate fines. The information is used for purposes such as the imposition and enforcement of criminal sanctions. Information from the criminal records can also be disclosed for determining a person's reliability and suitability.

You have the right to check the information stored about you in the criminal records. Read more on the page Request to inspect your personal data.

What information is entered in the criminal records?

Information on an individual's sentence, serving it, and a possible pardon is entered in the records.

It will be entered in the criminal records when a person is sentenced to:

unconditional or conditional imprisonment,

  • a joint sentence,
  • a monitoring sentence,
  • a fine in connection with conditional imprisonment,
  • community service or monitoring,
  • a juvenile penalty,
  • a fine instead of a juvenile penalty, or
  • dismissal.

It also results in an entry in the criminal records when:

  • punishment is waived due to criminal irresponsibility;
  • a corporate fine is imposed on a legal entity (company, foundation, etc.);
  • a person is sentenced abroad to a penalty with consequences corresponding to those above.

Fines other than those listed above and conversion sentences are not entered in the criminal records, nor are sentences of imprisonment imposed by virtue of the Non-Military Service Act or Conscription Act.

For what purposes can I apply for an extract from the criminal records?

An extract from the criminal records may only be issued for the purposes laid down in the Criminal Records Act. These purposes are:

  • Extracts for working with children (a number of different extracts)
  • Extract for abroad
  • Extract for a procurement procedure
  • Extract for authorities
  • Extract for working with the elderaly and people with disabilities
  • Request to inspect your personal data

Do not enclose an extract from your criminal record with your job application. An extract is only presented by the candidate chosen for the position or office.

A natural person applying for crowdfunding can apply for an extract for presentation to the crowdfunding service provider. You can apply for the extract with a free-form, signed application or through the service. An extract on a legal entity for crowdfunding purposes (corporate fine extract) can be applied for through the Legal Register Centre's electronic service.

When will entries be erased from the criminal records?

Personal information will be erased from the register after a certain time. The storage period varies according to the severity of the punishment.

In five years from the date of a final judgment, information is erased about:

  • conditional imprisonment;
  • a fine (supplementary fine), community service or monitoring imposed in connection with conditional imprisonment;
  • a juvenile penalty and fines imposed instead of a juvenile penalty;
  • dismissal; and
  • a corporate fine.

In ten years from the date of a final judgment, information is erased about:

  • unconditional imprisonment of up to two years; and
  • community service given instead of an unconditional sentence.

In twenty years from the date of a final judgment, information is erased about:

  • unconditional imprisonment of more than two years and up to five years; and
  • punishment waived due to criminal irresponsibility.

Information about sentences of imprisonment of over five years is erased when the person dies or turns 90. All other entries concerning the person are also erased at this time at the latest.

Information on an individual punishment is not erased if the criminal records contain information that cannot yet be erased. All entries in a person's criminal record will be retained until the erasure time of the final sentence to be erased elapses.

Further information

Published 31.5.2017