Ordering an extract from the criminal records

Extracts from the criminal records ordered for different purposes contain different information. This page will tell you what you need to know before ordering an extract. Order the extract conveniently from the Legal Register Centre's (LRC) electronic service.

What information is included on the extract from the criminal records?

Extracts from the criminal records ordered for different purposes contain different information. More detailed information on the information included in the extract has been compiled on the dedicated pages for each type of extract:

An extract from the criminal records can also be ordered on a company or corporation (corporate fine extract). The extract can be ordered by a person with the right to sign for the company. See how to order a corporate fine extract and on whom it can be ordered from the Extract for a procurement procedure page and order the extract through the LRC's electronic service .

You can also request an extract of your own criminal record. Read more on the page Reviewing your own information (in Finnish).

How to order an extract from the criminal records

Obtain the required consents and authorisations in good time.

  • You may require a Suomi.fi e-Authorization if you are applying for an extract for a procurement procedure or for volunteering.
  • Applying for an extract for a procurement procedure or for volunteering also requires the consent of the person from whose criminal record the extract is being ordered.

Order the extract electronically or with the application form.

  • Order the extract from the criminal records conveniently through LRC's electronic service . Ordering an extract through the electronic service costs less, and you will usually get the extract sooner. Using the electronic service requires strong authentication.
  • If you are unable to use the electronic service, use the appropriate application form . Complete the application carefully and send it to us by one of the following methods:
  • Through the Suomi.fi/messages service (Legal Register Centre > Register services).
  • By email to [email protected]. We recommend the Ministry of Justice's secure messaging service . Enter your email address into the service and register it. You will then be sent an email link that will take your message securely to its recipient.
  • By post to Legal Register Centre/ Criminal records, PO BOX 157, 13101 Hämeenlinna, Finland.
  • You cannot order the extract by telephone.
  • You can also send a free-form written application to the LRC. Such applications must contain all of the information requested on the relevant application form .

Order the extract you need and pay for it in the service.

  • Extracts ordered by other means will be invoiced separately. If you are using Suomi.fi Messages, the invoice will be delivered there. If not, we will send the invoice to you by letter.

Wait for the extract to be completed.

  • In some cases, the extract can be issued immediately, but the normal processing time is seven business days.
  • Read more under “How quickly will my application be processed?”

We will send the extract to you electronically or in the post when it is ready.

  • When your extract is ready, you can view and print it in LRC's electronic service . The extract shown in the electronic service is an official extract from the criminal records.
  • The extract will also be delivered either via Suomi.fi Messages or by post depending on whether or not you are using Suomi.fi Messages. Read more below under “How will the extract from the criminal records be delivered?”.
  • If a company or corporation applied for the extract, it will be delivered to the company's or corporation's postal address. A corporate fine extract ordered on behalf of a company will also be shown in the electronic service to people using the service on the company's behalf. The person on whom the company or corporation ordered the extract will be able to view and print the extract in the LRC's electronic service him/herself as well.

Price of an extract from the criminal records and payment

Most extracts from the criminal records cost 6 euros in the electronic service and 12 euros if ordered through another channel. You will be asked to pay for the extract immediately in the electronic service. An invoice will be sent for applications sent by post or email.

A student's extract for practical training is free of charge.

How quickly will my application be processed?

The extract can be issued quickly if:

  • you have applied for the extract through the electronic service;
  • your application contains the required information; and
  • the official does not have to request further information from you.

We may require further information on, for example, the purpose for which you are ordering the extract. A request for further information will extend the processing time.

If you are the citizen of another EU Member State, we will also request your criminal records from that Member State for certain types of extract. The Member State has 20 business days to respond to our request, which may postpone the issuing of the extract.

The normal processing time for applications for extracts from the criminal records is seven business days. The extract for presentation abroad is an exception, with a processing time of four business days.

Applications are processed in order of receipt. The processing time does not include delivery time by post.

How will the extract from the criminal records be delivered?

You will be able to view the extract from the criminal records in the LRC's electronic service immediately when it has been created. This also applies to extracts ordered by email or letter. The extract shown in the electronic service is an official extract from the criminal records. You can print it out for your own use from there.

If a company or corporation applied for the extract, it will be delivered to the company's or corporation's postal address. A corporate fine extract ordered on behalf of a company will also be shown in the electronic service to people using the service on the company's behalf. The person on whom the company or corporation ordered the extract will be able to view and print the extract in the LRC's electronic service him/herself as well.

The extract will also be delivered either via Suomi.fi Messages or by post depending on whether or not the person who ordered the extract is using Suomi.fi Messages. We always deliver extracts to companies and corporations by letter.

The applicant or the LRC cannot influence the delivery method of extracts from the criminal records. The Digital and Population Data Services Agency will forward the extract to Suomi.fi Messages if you have registered for the service. The LRC does not know whether the applicant is using Suomi.fi Messages.

If you did not order the extract through the electronic service and pay for it immediately, you will also receive an invoice to Suomi.fi Messages or by letter.

Why have I not received my extract yet? What can I do?

If you have not received the extract you ordered, be patient. Applications are processed in order of receipt. We strive to notify people of possible delays in processing on the front page of the electronic service and on our website.

Do not file a new application while waiting for the extract to be processed. We will have to invoice you for every extract ordered, even if they are identical.

If the extract application's promised processing time has elapsed, first check the status of your application in the electronic service. You can also call the LRC's customer service if necessary.

You promised to reimburse me for an incorrect invoice, and I have now received a credit note from you. Do I have to pay it?

You are not supposed to pay the credit note. It is only sent to you as proof of the invoice's removal from our accounting. You can destroy the credit note.

Further information

Criminal Records Act (770/1993)

Privacy statements (in Finnish)

Suomi.fi Messages service.

Published 11.6.2024